Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time to Go!

Day Zero -- All my bags (or, I should say, panniers) are packed and I'm ready to go! I start my 3,000 mile bicycle trek down the Mississippi River Trail (plus additional mileage for construction detours, wrong turns, side trips, etc.) tomorrow morning. My good friend Mike Pederson is letting me hitch a ride with him to his family's cabin near the Headwaters in Itasca State Park. The ride starts tomorrow morning. The forecast high in that area for tomorrow is 90!


  1. Hey Mike-

    John Powell just pointed out your blog to me. Let me just say, A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I've VERY jealous! The exact ride you are doing is one I've dreamt of for years and years and am awaiting the opportunity to do it. Way to go! I love to see folks getting out and doing this. I'll continue to watch your blog. If you need any advice, I can maybe help or have many friends that have done long self-supported tours before that I can ask.

    Good luck and keep the rubber side doooowwwnnnn!

    Peter Akimoto "Robert FacePlant"

  2. Mike, I just realized that you started this in August, when we were in Brainerd for 3 weeks! You could have camped in our yard!
